Utah cares about families and ensuring that men and women are able to support their families whether they work outside or inside the home. Recent measures show us that we have room to improve when it comes to fair wage and 13 other equality measures. Read the latest about Utah’s wage gap here:
Utah ranks last in the nation for gender pay equity. In 2014, Utah’s Department of Workforce Services listed institutional gender discrimination as being 5.4% of the 30 cent gender wage gap, when all other employment factors are the same. The Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce offers additional information.
Read more about the Elevate Her Challenge and the Parity Promise; two programs Utah Businesses are adopting to elevate the status of Utah women.
Pivotal research being done by Susan Madsen and the Women’s Leadership Project at Utah State University is exploring how we can work together to make the workplace more equitable. Particularly, they are focused on how men in the workforce can be allies and mentors in this process. Read more about wage parity efforts here.